I get e-mail
I try my best to answer questions, but I started this site because I enjoyed playing harp through JT30's and I like the design of the JT-30. I am no expert. I have gathered some small amount of knowlege and experience in 10 years of trying to play harp, but much of what I know I have guessed or inferred and is prone to error.
Some of the questions I get are more interesting for the question than for the answer, so I have begun collecting them. I hope you are inspired to ask a question or tell me I'm full of crap. I'll publish whatever you have to say even the negative things (yeah, right).
<The questions:
Shure Bullet Compared to JT-30
The Difference Between a CAD HM 50 VC and a JT 30
Black Face Fender Twin for Harp and Guitar Use