
This is the way my first blog started before there was a word "Blog". I just wrote down what was new with a date. Older stuff got pushed down, and when the lost got too long, I made another page for the older stuff.

May 6, 2021

I am closing down all of my hosting sites. I can't see keeping this stuff going any more. In the mean time I have loaded everything onto an old Dell computer that I found on town trash clean-up day. It has a new power supply and a new SSD. It works pretty well. I am using to check every 5 minutes for my home's IP address and I am using to control the Domain Name Server and as a very cheap registrar. All the work is being done here on a computer near my right leg. You can read my "private" blog at

February 2, 2019

I wrote my own sitemap.xml creator in order to tell Google how to find my pages.

I put a limit of which pages would appear so it would not be too long. As it is there are about 1,000 pages listed. I did not include Blues Song Lyrics, Harp tab snippets or the HarpL archives (which alone is 110,000 pages). I am hoping that Google will eventually find all of it, but for now the 1,000 pages is enough.

There are a dozen or so pages that are empty and I have to find them and track down what became of the data.

Most of the information here has been stolen and appears on foreign websites. I have some code to keep the site from being cloned, but it is not hard to get around that.

The TAB icons should all be active. If you click on one you should get it to play a note. The harp that you will hear is me playing a short burst.

January 31, 2019

I have been working for three weeks now converting,, and to a single Domain under Since Facebook these websites don't make any money for me and there is no reason to keep them. The data is still interesting, so I will try to convert as much as possible to web pages.

I wrote a program that displays the old HarpL archives. There is 110,000 pages of information there. If I could only get Google to find the pages and index them I the pages could be useful.

I have about 500 pages of Blues Song Lyrics. I have about 600 pages of song snippets converted to harp tab.

There are couple of thousand pages that I have written myself and I've been trying to recover them.

There are about 100 external links that lead nowhere because the websites are long gone. I am not making any attempt to fix them, yet.

I still have a couple of dozen dead internal links that I hope I can recover or redirect.

Please enjoy!



Buy the Book!

I cleaned up my tab for Sonny Boy's Help Me and made it into a short book. There's a Kindle version for 99 cents, and if you buy the paperback you get the Kindle free.

Playing "Help-Me" In the Style of Sonny Boy Williamson II: A step by step, note for note analysis of some of Sonny Boy's Signature Riffs