Why Change SF Lead Dress
From mbaier1–(at)–ail.idt.net Tue Jan 28 09:28:20 CST 1997
From: mbaier1–(at)–ail.idt.net (Karl LaFong)
Newsgroups: alt.guitar.amps
Subject: Re: Blackface question?
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 09:16:50 GMT
>> >>> Note that some retro/blackface aficianados
>> actually betray themselves when they suggest certain snips and discards
>> for better tone.
>What exactly is the difference electronically between the b/f and w/f
>amps besides the safer wiring insulation in the w/f’s? Please let me
Be careful calling that plastic Gavitt wire safer..I’ve seen some very
early SF’s with the new wire type that had the old style lead dress.
Problem is, the plastic “safer” wires’ insulation had melted due to
the heat and pressure of the eyelet boad (we’re talking about the wire
under the board) and had shorted underneath the board. Sounds like a
great way to get electrocuted. I’m certain that this is what
precipitated the funky lead dress in SF amps. I’ve got a number of
’50’s and ’60’s Fenders with the terrible cloth wire that work just
fine, thank you.