From postmaste–(at)– Sat May 2 23:37:10 CDT 1998
Article: 102312 of alt.guitar.amps
From: postmaste–(at)– (Ned Carlson)
Newsgroups: alt.guitar.amps,
Subject: Re: Fender “PASS HI-POT” Sticker ??
Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 04:24:39 GMT
Organization: Triode Electronics
Lines: 28
Message-ID: <354bf182.12758363--(at)>
References: <6igeam$o0i$--(at)>
Reply-To: postmaste–(at)–
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On Sat, 02 May 1998 19:38:45 -0600, Zorro_200–(at)– wrote:
>Both my Blues Jr. and my Prosonic have a small white sticker on the speaker
>baffle board which says: PASS HI-POT. Anyone know what this means ?
That’s what happens after you eat funny brownies..
But seriously, folks, Hi-pot is a high voltage test applied to a
transformer to make sure the things won’t fail in normal use, and
will take normal amounts of abuse (typical line surges, etc).
For example, a 120VAC primary power xfmr might be hipot
tested to 1500 or 2000 volts. IIRC, this is required to get
a UL listing or a CSA sticker.
>I’ve already discarded the possibilities that the inspector was either a drug
>user or Cambodian. 😉
Who knows how many people Leo Fender had whacked on his
path to becoming a Tube Amp Immortal….just kidding..
Ned Carlson Triode Electronics,2225 W Roscoe Chicago, IL, 60618 USA
ph 773-871-7459 fax 773-871-7938
12:30 to 8 PM CT, (1830-0200 UTC) 12:30-5 Sat, Closed Wed & Sun
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