From dtaylo–(at)– Fri Jan 12 12:35:19 CST 1996
Article: 7844 of alt.guitar.amps
From: dtaylo–(at)– (David Taylor)
Newsgroups: alt.guitar.amps
Date: 12 Jan 1996 03:48:16 GMT
Organization: CyberRamp
Lines: 57
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <4d4lm0$ov--(at)>
References: <6.1264.365--(at)>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
In article <6.1264.365--(at)>, daniel.robert–(at)– says…
>Subject: Fender Twin Reverb Modifications
>I seem to notice that various Fender Twin Reverb amplifiers have various
>colors & names in their title on the front panel. Some I’ve seen include:
>* Black front with white “Fender Twin” on it
>* Silver front with blue “Fender Twin” on it
>* Silver front with green “Fender Twin-Reverb Amp” on it
>* Silver front with green “The Twin” on it
Not familiar with many of these variations.
The history of The Twin and Twin Reverb is such:
Twin Amp First Tweed Version: 1952. 15 watts.
Twin Amp Second Tweed Version: 1954 50 watts.
Twin Amp First Tolex Version (Brown Tolex): 1960 90 watts.
Blackface, “pre-CBS” Twin Reverb: 1963 85 watts.
Silverface Twin Reverb (silver face plate with blue letters) 1968. 85
watts (very similar circuit to blackface, inappropriate major circuit
changes made initially, but most reversed almost back to pre-CBS
specifications within months. All examples of this version can be easily
and inexpensively modified to exact blackface specifications by a competent
Second Silverface Twin Reverb Version: 1973 100 watts and a perfectly
cheesy sounding master volume control.
Third Silverface Twin Reverb Version: 1976 100 watts and a push/pull
distortion switch on the master volume control pot.
Second Blackface Twin Reverb Version: 1981 135 watts (ouch)
After 1982 no more Twins or Twin Reverbs shipped until 1987.
The Twin: 1987 100 watts. First post-CBS Fender amp. Black control
panel with red knobs. Later black knobs. Recently redesigned.
Twin Reverb Vintage Reissue: 1992 85 watts. A recreation of the
pre-CBS blackface Fender Twin Reverb. Severely Opinionated Editorial
Comment (SOEC): Doesn’t sound too much like the original, but with a new
old stock or reissue paper-wound output transformer (new on the market and
way overdue!) and a pair of Mojo, Naylor Special Design 50 or Hudson
speakers (close sounding knockoffs of the original blackface Jensens), this
amp really comes alive.