dnjohan–(at)–isco.com (Dave Johansen)
Re: Silverface Super Rvb — a bunch of naive
23 May 1994 18:23:01 GMT cisco Systems, Incorporated
ddjIn article <2rmn82$5m--(at)--earch01.news.aol.com>, leftygt–(at)–ol.com (LeftyGtr) writes:
|> In article , johnd–(at)–orld.std.com (John F
|> Duesenberry) writes:
|> so,
|> or is this just par for the course with old amps?
|> Oh, and another pesky question: is there any way I can verify how
|> old this thing is without ripping it apart?
|> —————-
|> The easiest way to date a Fender amp is by the serial number
|> impressed into the right side of the rear chassis, and the speaker
|> date codes. (This is provided of course the speakers have not been
|> changed.)
Not according to Fender, They use the ink stamp on the tube chart, Just
verified the ’66 Blackface I just bought using that method.. PS THey
also said that the serial number on the chassis is NOT reliable..
just for you FYI
|> By 1972 a Super Reverb would have a master volume, so yours would be
|> somewhere between ’66 and ’72.
|> $650 is a fair price to pay for a Super Reverb in good working order.
|> At least in L.A.
|> No, old amps don’t just do that… Your hum problem sounds like a
|> simple enough thing to fix. There are several causes for this, none
|> of which should be expensive to rectify. Keep in mind that you don’t
|> have to replace all of the tubes simply because you walked into a
|> repair shop. Take it to a repairman you trust.
Have your filter caps checked…
|> Post the serial number, or at least the first 3 digits and X’s for
|> the rest, and I’ll be happy to date it for you. If there are codes on
|> the speakers, include them as well.
|> Scott Jennings
|> Route 66 Guitars, U.S.A.
There are two capital letters stamped on the tubechart.. mine say PJ
P = 1966 J=October, First letter is the Year, and second is the month..
Here is the chart below, as stolen from Aspen Pittman’s Book…
A = 1951A = January
B = 1952B = February
C = 1953C = March
D = 1954D = April
E = 1955E = May
F = 1956F = June
G = 1957G = July
H = 1958H = August
I = 1959I = September
J = 1960J = October
K = 1961K = November
L = 1962L = December
M = 1963
N = 1964
O = 1965
P = 1966
R = 1967
I don’t know how far the years go, but we’ll stop at ’67 for now….
Good Luck,
Dave Johansen