From tremolu–(at)– Wed Nov 16 12:11:26 CST 1994
Article: 32414 of
From: tremolu–(at)– (Tremolux)
Subject: Re: Reissue Deluxe reverb same as original?
Date: 12 Nov 1994 05:25:03 -0500
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 22
Sender: new–(at)–
Message-ID: <3a255v$g7--(at)>
Further to the previous post in response to the question, no, the
components inside are quite different from those used in 1965. For one,
in 65 they wound the transformers with paper insulation, now they use a
plastic bobbin. The thinner paper allowed for tighter magnetic coupling
in the transformers. This is particularly important in the output
transformer. The passive devices such as capacitors are different as
The speaker is not the same as the original. The originals were made by
Oxford, but the reissues by Eminence are of similar design, even though
they are supposed to be Jensen replicas. I’m not sure, but I believe
these are the same speakers as used in the reissue Twin.
Lastly, the tubes supplied in the reissue amp suck. They use Chinese
preamp tubes and Russian 6V6s. These tubes are good for landfill and
that’s about it.
With all that said, the amp does not sound too bad, although it’s a bit
bright. If it were re-tubed with decent NOS tubes, it would probably
sound better and be much more reliable.