From rich-kar–(at)– Thu Jan 8 10:45:32 CST 1998
Article: 79310 of alt.guitar.amps
From: Rich Koerner
Newsgroups: alt.guitar.amps
Subject: Re: Replacing 6V6 tubes in DR
Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 03:28:47 -0500
Organization: Time Electronics
Lines: 38
Message-ID: <6922g7$kl--(at)>
References: <34B2A524.35F--(at)> <68vhr6$mh--(at)> <34b3bfad.--(at)> <691vag$h8--(at)>
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Xref: alt.guitar.amps:79310
If I may add to this a little piece of information,……
> Lord Valve Speaketh:
> This subject was done to death about a year ago, as I recall. You
> might want to pull up some dusty DejaNews articles on the subject and
> read all about it…but here’s the skinny, in a nutshell: Fender power
> trannies are designed with a lot of thermal headroom. People tend to
> compare the heater current specs for the 6V6 and the 6L6 and start
> foaming at the mouth that it’s *twice as much* current without stopping
> to realize that the power tube heaters only use a portion of the total
> heater current…the preamp tubes (and the pilot light, for that
> matter) use the rest, and when you add up the TOTAL heater current
> demand, you find out that the extra current drawn by a pair of 6L6
> heaters isn’t really anywhere near *twice* the amount drawn by the
> entire heater string (and the pilot lamp). Since the Fender heater
> winding is very conservatively designed, in *realworld* applications
> this modest additional current demand has no deleterious effect on the
> tranny.
When such Fender X-formers are found, remember the name Ed Jahns.
He was the man responsible for that conservative design preference
which makes this mod possible. In my short relationship with Ed,
he was always at odds with the demands from the suits. One place Ed
would not compromise was in the x-formers.
Ed left his signature in the Fender amps he had a hand in designing.
Everyone knowns the sound, I just thought we all should know the name
that goes with it is Ed Jahns.
Rich Koerner,
Time Electronics.