From LBYR90–(at)– Sun Jan 7 09:37:55 CST 1996
Article: 7588 of alt.guitar.amps
From: LBYR90–(at)– (Jack Price)
Newsgroups: alt.guitar.amps
Subject: Re: Q: SS rectifier on ’65 Super?
Date: 7 Jan 1996 07:40:05 GMT
Organization: Prodigy Services Company 1-800-PRODIGY
Lines: 28
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <4cntcl$161--(at)>
References: <4cghka$go--(at)> <4cl0rb$sj--(at)> <4cm8f3$3q--(at)>
X-Newsreader: Version 1.2
npstewa–(at)– (Nathan Stewart) wrote:
>What are the speakers in the Bassman Ten – I don’t really care for the
>but my homebuilt 15 watter absolutely screams through my roomate’s BT.
The Bassman 10 came with really cheezy Utah 32ohm 10″ers wired in
parallel. Yes I said 32ohm. I was surprised too. Had one in the shop
awhile back with 3 speakers out of four blown, froze actually. The
ohmed out at the equivalent of 32 ohms. I replaced the speaker with
MojoTone MP10RD’s wired in series-parallel for a total load of 8ohms.
Amp was totally killer. These amps are ideal canidates for a reverb add
There’s plenty of room on the fiber board for components and room on the
chassis for two extra tubes. Reverb tank can fit inside the cabinet
is only accessable by removing at least one of the speakers. These amps
have gotten a bad rep through the years and thus can be picked up cheap.
BUT…they can be converted to sound pretty similar to a Super Reverb
for another ~ $150.
PriceLess Vintage Tube Amp Restorations
(503) 641-7146