From tremolu–(at)– Fri Jan 10 15:41:01 CST 1997
Article: 33869 of alt.guitar.amps
From: tremolu–(at)– (Tremolux)
Newsgroups: alt.guitar.amps
Subject: Re: 5R4 vs. 5AR4/GZ34
Date: 10 Jan 1997 06:39:10 GMT
Organization: AOL
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <19970110063700.BAA0502--(at)>
References: <5b4bld$rj--(at)>
X-Admin: new–(at)–
>>>the 5R4 might not be so bad after all and can supply about 250 ma. at
600 volts dc ,
Like I said, there’s nothing WRONG with the 5R4, it’s just that it was
designed for much higher voltage applications, and lower current than a
5U4. Fender amps run in the mid 400s for Voltage, so there is no need for
the 5R4s higher voltage capability. At high current levels, the forward
conduction drop through a 5R4 would be high. Considerably higher than a
I never recommended trying to use a 5AR4 at the voltages you’d use a 5R4
at, it would be foolish to do so.
Regarding the 5R4’s ratings, my Sylvania Tube Manual says with a capacitor
input filter, it’s good for 150 ma. The 5U4 is rated at 275 ma.
Bottom line is that if you have a Fender, use a 5U4 or 5AR4, not a 5R4.