From postmaste–(at)– Sat Feb 14 14:17:22 CST 1998
Article: 234253 of alt.guitar
From: postmaste–(at)– (Ned Carlson)
Newsgroups: alt.guitar.amps,alt.guitar,
Subject: Re: Ampeg “Diamond Blue” reissue series amplifiers
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 03:28:33 GMT
Organization: Triode Electronics
Lines: 43
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Mark Daigle
>A question for any of you who have experience with the new “Diamond
>Blue” series reissue amps from Ampeg. These include the Jet, SuperJet,
>and ReverbRocket models.
>Do you notice that the apparent volume (or sound pressure level), fully
>cranked, is lower than it should be compared to similar sized amps?
OK, I just took a peek inside a reissue ReverboSprocket
and made the following observations:
1.The plate voltage on the EL34’s is low compared
to most other amps that use EL34’s. I didn’t get to
bench test it, but I’d guess it would put out only about
30 watts.
2. I guess for $250, it would be a good deal, but
if I were you, I’d keep it til the warranty expires
& peddle it. Inside it’s built like a Crate, and has the
same pots & PC mount electrolytics that will
probably crap out after a couple years of regular use.
What’s more, the PC board is only accessible
>from one side, so if any parts have to be changed, you’re
gonna pay to get the whole thing pulled out,
even if it’s just one lousy resistor.
3.If you’re expecting the same tone as an original
ReverboRocket..don’t think so. For one thing, the
originals had 6V6’s or 7591’s, which don’t sound like
EL34’s. I asked one owner of an original RR
to try it, he described the reverb as “heinous”..
well, he is an Ampeg amp snob, so
of course an overly negative opinion might be
expected..but for $250 new, I don’t think I’d
expect the same tone as an original.
4. IMHO, this amp would probably benefit from
using some good 6L6’s or 6V6’s, and some
different 12AX7’s.
Ned Carlson, Triode Electronics, Chicago, IL
Open 12:30-8 PM CT, 12:30-5 PM CT Sat Closed Wed
ph:773-871-7459 fax 773-871-7938 “where da tubes are”
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