From stratbo–(at)– Sat Jan 27 20:40:00 CST 1996
Article: 8606 of alt.guitar.amps
From: Nick Schepis
Newsgroups: alt.guitar.amps
Subject: Re: AMPEG GEMINI I’s thru VI’s – What are Differences?
Date: 26 Jan 1996 23:29:09 GMT
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fu71–(at)–leveland.Freenet.Edu (Lance P. McLaughlin) wrote:
>Trying figure out the differences for the Ampeg Gemini series of
>If you have any pieces of info for this puzzle, please email me with your
>thoughts. It is appreciated.
Since I have a Gemini II sitting right next to me, I’ll fill you in on it.
Dates from 1966, two 7591 power tubes, two channel with reverb (called echo)
and tremolo and a 15″ Jensen.
From tremolu–(at)– Tue Jan 23 10:23:08 CST 1996
Article: 8408 of alt.guitar.amps
From: tremolu–(at)– (Tremolux)
Newsgroups: alt.guitar.amps
Subject: Re: AMPEG GEMINI I’s thru VI’s – What are Differences?
Date: 22 Jan 1996 23:22:18 -0500
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 9
Sender: roo–(at)–
Message-ID: <4e1npq$p--(at)>
References: <4e0inl$pe--(at)--adeline.INS.CWRU.Edu>
Reply-To: tremolu–(at)– (Tremolux)
The Gemini I has a single 12″ speaker and used 7591s, had reverb and trem.
The Gemini II and VI had a 15″ speaker, reverb, trem. I think there were
versions of the II that used 6L6s, but the others allused 7591s. Since
the Gemini used fixed-bias, these things put out about 30 to 35 Watts from
the 7591s, as opposed to the 20 Watts from 7591s cathode biased in the
Reverberocket. I’ve heard these things. Very nice with great reverb.