Picking Up Blues Harp
I've been asked, over and over again to organize some of my stuff so it's easy to print out. I've also been answering the same questions over and over again. So this area is a sort of summary/FAQ page. If you can think of stuff to add, let me know.
- Why Blues Harp? A philosophical discussion of why I play harp.
- What Brand Harmonica should you buy? How to tell which brand is good for you.
- What Harp Keys to Buy. This is what I carry around with me. Once in a blue moon the band wants to play something in another key, but I can usually talk them out of it.
- Key chart. You need this for the first month and then you should have it memorized. Handy to have, though, at three in the morning after you've started your second six-pack.
- The Care and Feeding of Harmonicas. Regular maintenance for your harp.
- Identifying the Key of a Song. An art, not a science.
Here are some of my other learning related articles.
- Blues Songs and Riffs I've tabbed out
- Keith's Rockland Community College Beginner's Class
- Internet Learning Resources
- Tone - What it is and how to get it
- The Grip- How to hold a Mic