From dgreen–(at)– Tue Jan 9 13:19:48 CST 1996
Article: 7695 of alt.guitar.amps
From: dgreen–(at)– (Dona Greene)
Newsgroups: alt.guitar.amps
Subject: Re: Why is Deluxe > Princeton?
Date: 9 Jan 1996 15:05:32 GMT
Organization: Kent State University Information Systems
Lines: 14
Message-ID: <4cu07s$cl--(at)>
References: <4crchd$3n--(at)> <4cs2bq$r9--(at)>
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
: >Just curious… both 6V6 duets, both seem to have 400-420 plate voltage.
: >Princeton 12 watts, Deluxe 20 watts. What gives?
: >–
: >————————————————————————
: >/* mike–(at)– “Less is more…” */
: >————————————————————————
Different power transformer and output transformer, both larger than a
Princeton’s transformers. This contributes to more power. Also, the
Deluxe uses a GZ34 rectifier, whereas the Princeton uses a 5U4; the
5U4 has higher internal resistance and supplies less current.
-Brad Bolton
From rfrie–(at)– Tue Jan 9 13:20:01 CST 1996
Article: 7701 of alt.guitar.amps
Newsgroups: alt.guitar.amps
From: rfrie–(at)– (Robert Fries)
Subject: Re: Why is Deluxe > Princeton?
Sender: rfrie–(at)–
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
References: <4crchd$3n--(at)> <4cs2bq$r9--(at)> <4cu07s$cl--(at)>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 1996 16:19:49 GMT
Lines: 27
dgreen–(at)– (Dona Greene) wrote:
>: >Just curious… both 6V6 duets, both seem to have 400-420 plate voltage.
>: >Princeton 12 watts, Deluxe 20 watts. What gives?
>: >–
>: >————————————————————————
>: >/* mike–(at)– “Less is more…” */
>: >————————————————————————
>Different power transformer and output transformer, both larger than a
>Princeton’s transformers. This contributes to more power. Also, the
>Deluxe uses a GZ34 rectifier, whereas the Princeton uses a 5U4; the
>5U4 has higher internal resistance and supplies less current.
> -Brad Bolton
Also, very important – significantly different phase inverter.
Robert Fries